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李梦一欣 LiMengYiXin


Dr.-Ing. Mengyixin Li is associate professor of Landscape Architecture at the School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, a Young Scholar of Beijing Overseas Talent Project. She received her Ph.D. in Landscape Architecture from Technical University of Munich (TUM) in Germany. Currently, her research is focused on green open space, post-industrial landscape and cultural landscape.





德国慕尼黑工业大学中国城市景观实验室(China Urban Landscape LAB)主要成员

米兰理工大学-北京建筑大学欧盟联合教学(EU Collaborative Class)团队负责人





“Resilient City and Dynamic Landscape”. School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University, 2022.11.

“Teaching on Large Parks: Changes in Scale and Conception”. The European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools Conference, 2022.09.

“The Comprehensive System of Healthy Streets in China from the Perspective of Greenways with Beijing Boulevard Plan as an Example”. 7th Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning, 2022.07.

“自然、公园、绿道——后工业景观的新场景”.“知播·云上星光”城市更新行动导向的未来景观, 2022.07.

“Resilient Cities: Dynamic Systems of Green Open Spaces”. ISPRS, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2022.07.

“多元城市景观构想下的后工业景观公园设计模式研究”.文化景观专业委员会系列青年论坛——工业遗产与文化景观, 2022.05.

“The Blended Teaching Based on BOPPPS Method, Case from the Course of History and Theory of Western Landscape Architecture”. A Focus on Pedagogy, 2022.04.

“Emotional Landscape A Twenty-Year-Long Dialogue”. The European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools Conference, 2021.09.

“Greenways as Urban Networks for Climate and Growth Change”. Cities in a Changing World: Questions of Culture, Climate and Design, 2021.06.

“The Juxtaposition of Landscape and Complex Reality of Cities: The Chinese Conception of Shan-shui City”. AAS, 2021.03.

“Park Landscape Evolution”. School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University. 2020.11.

“Chinese Urban Landscapes from Gardens to Complex Systems”. School of AUIC, Politecnico di Milano, 2020.10.


李梦一欣, 黄琦, (德)朱利安·舍费尔.德国城市绿色开放空间结构质性分析方法.风景园林, 2022.

Luca MF Fabris, Mengyixin Li. Greenways as Structures for Urban Change. Milan and Beijing Facing Post-industrial Regeneration. Planning with Landscape Green Infrastructure to Build Climate-adapted Cities. Springer, 2022.

李梦一欣.德国城市自然整体规划研究与启示.风景园林, 2022.

Mengyixin Li. The Blended Teaching Based on BOPPPS Method, Case from the Course of History and Theory of Western Landscape Architecture. Architecture-MPS Proceedings. 2022.

Mengyixin Li. Landscape regeneration of urban industrial heritage sites towards the human factors perspective: perception and assessment. Landscape architecture and regional planning, 2022.

Mengyixin Li, Qi Ding. The Comprehensive System of Healthy Streets in China from the Perspective of Greenways with Beijing Boulevard Plan as an Example. Landscape and Greenway Planning Proceedings, 2022.

Mengyixin Li, Luca MF Fabris, Riccardo M Balzarotti, Gerardo Sembrebon, Federico Camerin. Greenways as Urban Networks for Climate and Growth Change. Architecture-MPS Proceedings. 2021.

Mengyixin Li. Systematic Study and Reflection on Planning Paradigms of German Urban Renewal. International Journal of Architecture, Arts and Applications, 2021.

(意)卢卡·玛丽亚·弗朗西斯科·法布里斯, 李梦一欣*.历史性视角下后工业区景观认知及实践变革研究.风景园林, 2020.

李梦一欣.联合工作营模式下的国际化人才培养实践教学.中国建设教育, 2020.

李梦一欣.中德风景园林本科专业课程体系建设比较研究.北京建筑大学2020年教育教学改革与研究论文集.清华大学出版社, 2020.

李梦一欣.基于绿色开放空间的近自然化城市河流景观研究与启示.工业建筑, 2019.


李梦一欣, 黄琦.《高线启示》.中国建筑工业出版社, 2023.

(德)费迪南德·路德维希, (德)丹尼尔·舍恩, 李梦一欣(译).《行星花园中生长的建筑——花园与健康环境语境下的生命建筑》.风景园林, 2021.
